Thursday, April 22, 2010


I know my life is far from glamorous, I don't have much, and by much I mean almost no, spare time but I find enough to do what needs to be done, mostly. My kids aren't perfect, but how boring would that be? We don't have buckets of money, but we have enough. My kids have been taking turns staying up all night vomiting, but they are alive and relatively well, no cancer or anything life threatening. My husband is, in my humble opinion, the best man in the world even though he loves to call me over for a kiss then fart in my kitchen with me stuck there. My kids are awesome, they are loving and considerate and thoughtful and hardworking. My husband honors the priesthood and our home is blessed everyday for it. He is supportive and hardworking and fun and funny and humble and of course, super studly! I am blessed with great friends!!!! I KNOW the gospel is true and it makes obedience easier; that sure knowledge gives me the strength to do my best and most importantly, not give up when I'm tired and frustrated or just disappointed. I'm blessed to be able to turn to my Father in Heaven every night, and often during the day, for strength and guidance and support. I'm equally blessed to feel his love through the service and friendship of wonderful people that somehow know what to say when I need to hear it. I truly have a great life. What more could I ask for?

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