Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well I spent weeks thinking about it, almost a month obsessing actually, over a week preparing it and today it finally is over with, my first sharing time in the presidency is under my belt. It went much better than I feared and I certainly had plenty of material, which of course I was worried about. The kids were reverent and participated and I'm glad it's over. Hopefully I didn't say anything wrong or dumb. It's even worse when the last presidency is subbing for your teachers and I wonder if they are critiquing me. Of course they would never say anything, at least I don't think they would... Anyway, I think it went well and I'm relieved. There is a high standard set many years ago and I hope I was close to it!


Watson Family said...

I was just talking with Jerry about what a great sharing time you gave and how attentive and well behaved the children were. You set a tone of reverence and love for the Savior, and touched our hearts with your beautiful testimony at the end. Thank you for blessing all of our lives for good in primary, truly. You, and your family, will be ever so missed!

Bon said...

funny that our boys potty trained the same time, so nice to be out of diapers FINALLY!! enjoy and good job.