Sunday, November 14, 2010


So my surgery is in 4 days and now I'm starting to freak out.  Not really about the surgery, although R's characteristic tactful comments didn't help with that.  Mostly about all the stuff I have to get done before the surgery.  My finger already hurts so until R started talking about how bad it was going to hurt, I was looking forward to it.  I have my preop appt tomorrow and I'm going to try to talk the surgeon into letting R come in and take some pics, if he says no I'll ask him to take some for me, I figure if I start high he'll be more likely to accomodate my request when I compromise, we'll see.  I'm interested to see just how much uglier my finger can get, I wonder if my fingernail will come off, probably I figure.  I expect I won't get much sleep before then but hopefully, my house will be clean and fridge stocked.  At least the boys are off school on Friday so I won't have to get up to get them going and they can do the pastures for me.  Thank goodness for strong boys with willing hearts, plus it helps that I took them to the movie on Saturday and bought them some candy after they promised to help out and not complain, AT ALL!  For now I guess I'd better get to bed so I can get started bright and early tomorrow.  They announced my surgery in RS today  (so embarrassing!) I had deliberately not said anything, it's really not that big of a deal, it's not like it's back surgery or anything!  Anyway now my friend is bringing dinner on Thursday, so sweet but I feel like a loser, it's just a finger after all, and really only one joint on that finger.  I do really want to see the gorey pics though, so cool, I wish I could watch them drill the bolt into my finger!  Anyway, goodnight!

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