Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Fall Garden

So, we have been challenged to plant a fall garden this month so I did, again. Every Spring and every Autumn I plant a garden. Every Spring and every Autumn our dogs climb over the white picket fence that used to surround it and they dig up and lay in my garden and pee in my garden and kill everything I plant. This year I've had it. I invested in an electric fence. It's called "fido shock". No more dogs in my vegetables. I planted spinach, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, peas, cilantro and swiss chard. We'll see how things go. So, I grabbed the electric box. It delivers a bit of an uncomfortable shock but nothing fatal. AJ grabbed it on Sunday. He screamed for a minute but he was also fine, mostly mad. I figure it'll take once, they are after all smart dogs. It only took once for AJ. I'll post pictures later for progress.

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