Friday, July 10, 2009

My Sweet Broken Levi

Wednesday morning started out great! The older boys, all three of them slept in until after 8, unheard of in our house! I got up with Levi and got so many things done early. The boys got up and everyone was in a good mood and everything was going great. Insert the ominous tones here... Levi was at the table with his older brothers getting breakfast and was standing on the bench reaching accross the table for the cereal or milk, I'm still not sure which, when he stepped off the edge of the bench and landed HARD on the floor. He didn't try to catch himself and so landed straight on his side, knocking the sand AJ had dumped over his head earlier, onto the floor. He screamed immediately and I immediately knew he had broken his collarbone. I was right. I didn't know he had also cracked his L humerus. We were all still in our pajamas and I was trying in vain to console him and figure out if I could get a bra on before I took him to the hospital. Ryan was sleeping. It was 9 am. Ryan woke up and drove us to the ER and took the 4 older boys home after he chastised me for not waking him up for the emergency and thinking I could take all 4 of them to the ER with me alone. I told him it was better than waking him up. I love him and all but he gets grumpy when he is tired. Anyway, as you can see from the pics, he may be broken but it's not stopping him and is barely slowing him down. He was still fast enough to get into my makeup and cover himself with blue eye shadow while I was getting unders out of the dryer. He still jumps into the pool to go swimming and still fights with AJ. He just does it with Motrin around the clock. The t-shirt splint is what Dr Sochaki told me to do when Caleb broke his collar bone when he was 2. It works like a charm!!

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