Sunday, August 30, 2009


Boys will be boys right? I never cease to be amazed by their creativity and adventurous spirit. They wanted to build a volcano in the sandbox. My only stipulation was they had to take off their clothes, I'm tired of hosing down crusty, muddy clothes and then washing them twice. They couldn't find a pipe to put into it and I wouldn't let them use the bike pump for fear of never being able to use it on the bikes again so they decided to bury the hose into it. To make it erupt they turned it on full blast and then stepped on it. When they got off the hose, water came shooting out. I thought that was pretty creative. I think this one wins the McGyver award though. In prep for our move this week we emptied our water barrels from our food storage into the grass. Who can lift 300 lb barrels and who would want to? Much better empty. Anyhow... I looked outside to see this yesterday...They took the double swing off the fort and made it a see saw on the water barrel. I especially liked that the older ones sat on the outside and helped the younger two to get on and be safer and still have fun. I'm so proud of them for including them and helping them have fun too. What great kids they are. Nevermind the complete disaster the yard is since they also built a teepee and many other adventures. It all cleans up and the memories are worth it.


Kimmie said...

Very cute picture! Don't you love that everything is such a fun adventure to boys! They're great! I hope your move goes well! And that's cool you met Trace Adkins!

Shantil said...

I'm sure if my boys could have been there, they'd have loved it! I think the dirtier the funner, when it comes to boys!