Saturday, August 28, 2010


Meet Reno... R's new horse. He is a 15.1 hand 8 year old quarter horse/tennessee walker gelding. Ain't he purty! And he's super sweet to boot. We went to look at him on Wed night and R rode him and immediately fell in love, then ALL the boys rode him, one at a time of course, and there was no way we weren't going to buy him. He was and continues to be a perfect gentleman, although he kicked at my Tiger this am during their breakfast.
They are both pretty passive horses so we put them together and they went together like they'd always known each other. One of them will be the dominant one but it remains to be seen which one. For now, we are just getting to know them before we ride them and getting the barn and arena into shape. No shortage of work to do that's for sure. Speaking of work I had better go

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