Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Whan I was a little girl I saw this commercial where this woman was laying asleep with her hair fanned out perfectly on the pillow around her, her makeup perfect, I'm certain there is no way she had morning breath, in a simple satin nighty.  I aspired to be just like her.  Fast forward 25 years or so...  I'm laying in bed wishing I was asleep still on a cold snowy Sunday morning, AJ is asleep in the bed next to me (which is why I'm not asleep btw).  He has been of course fiddling with my long hair, because that's been his comfort thing since he was a baby.  Ryan comes home from work, builds the fire downstairs and all the boys hearing him get up and go running downstairs to mob him, which they do  pretty much everytime he comes home from work, so now I'm laying in bed alone thinking I might get a couple more winks in before the bedlam breaks loose.  Ryan comes up and into our room, the boys are downstairs eating cereal, a delicacy in our house because I make them eat a hot breakfast on school days( I know, I'm a horrible mean mom).  Anyway R comes into our room, walks around the bed and starts laughing and says, "Hey Medusa" (my hair is completely ratted up on the left side of my head from AJ's fiddling.  Nice!  Oh well...

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