Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Happy birthday to my sweet Levi!  He turned 3 yesterday and boy has he been acting 3 lately but let's not talk about that!  He is so funny and says the most hilarious things... Recently his new word is "BOOYAA"  I have no idea where he heard it but it cracks me up when he says it.    Anytime anyone gets hurt he very sweetly says, " I know honey, I know, It's okay..."I asked him what kind of cake he wanted... "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... strawberry"  so strawberry w/ lemon frosting it was.  And before you start thinking what a weird combo... try it, it's delish!!!  He had so much fun singing happy birthday to himself with us and blowing out the candles and of course eating his custom ordered home made cake... I'm so grateful for him and the joy and laughter he brings into our home.

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