Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AJ's surgery

So AJ had his 3rd surgery last week and came through with flying colors. He had his 3rd set of tubes put in and his adenoids taken out. He is such a trooper. The anesthesiologist carried him back and he never even cried or anything. The nurses said he was great and the anesth. said he sat on the bed and took the gas mask and went right to sleep and was the best kid ever. He woke up well, thanks to his first postop nurse for taking this pic for me so I could put it on my blog although I'm sure he thought I was a weirdo, plus I wanted to send it to Ryan who couldn't come back and as we had Levi and he couldn't come back to the postop area. I wanted to reassure Ryan and my mom who was at my house with the older boys. Anyway, when it was time for us to go he sat up and got dressed and never complained and said he was ready. When he stood up to get in the truck he was still wobbly and I had to catch him but after that he was mellow for a few hours and then back to normal, I had to keep him from getting too rambunctious. Now he still has to have ear drops and wear ear plugs in the bath and stuff and he is so good at reminding me if I forget to put them in before he gets in. I hope this is his last surgery but I'm grateful that the doctors did a great job and he came through it well. I'm thankful it wasn't anything more serious and he is so much healthier than he could be.

1 comment:

Bon said...

Soglad surgery went well, i hate when my kids have to be in the hospital, I hope it is the last time for you. Kids are so great and precious, your a good mom.