Thursday, January 8, 2009

Buddha Belly

Out of the mouths of babes...OK...I always tease AJ about his buddha belly when I tickle him. When he wants me to tickle him he pulls his shirt up and says buddha belly only in AJ speak it sounds more like boooda bedgy. Anyhow I know I slacked off on exercising and watching what I eat during the holidays but I'm back on track now and AJ reminded me why I'm working so hard. The other morning while I was sitting at the table eating my shredded mini wheats he pulled up my shirt and said "you boooda bedgy." I said no I don't have a buddha belly and he very firmly said "yes, you boooda bedgy". That's great. Needless to say I have really gotten back to my routine this week and have ridden my bike and or done my PT workout everyday except yesterday, I took a break because my legs were dead from the day before. So... my new years resolutions...? First, be more patient with my kiddos. I want them to have fun memories and that means I need to let them be kids and clean it up later. Second, make memories with them. Third, tone up and slim down. I'm down to my high school size, I want to be down to my college size or at least in between the two. I'm keeping it simple and I think I can make it.

1 comment:

Bon said...

Sounds like your doing great, I am needing to do better at excercising. I am down to my college/pre marriage weight, but noway will I ever get back to my high school size, my hips have widened and what not. Cute about the budha belly. I feel the same way about memories, told my kids I don't want them to remember me as the mom that yelled and always wanting them to clean, but wanted to have fun with them. Hard raising a family, but your doing great keep it up.