Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well... Risa has decided she isn't going to be mother of the year. I'm pretty sure I won't either. Up until now I have managed to avoid stitches for any of my boys, we have had some close calls but today was the closest. Levi was sitting in my lap at the computer while I checked my email and looked up a recipe. Quicker than any adult could be he reached up and grabbed the cord for the speaker for the computer. Ryan had put it up on top of the hutch to listen to a cd earlier. Anyway, he yanked and in less than a blink the thing came down on his forehead. It's actually pretty small but it must have hit him just right because it split his forehead open and like all head wounds, blood started gushing. My old lady reflexes weren't fast enough to stop the chain of events but I jumped up for a towel. Jake and Caleb saw the blood running down his face and started screaming, "He's bleeding Mom!" Now Levi is screaming, Jake and Caleb are screaming and I'm yelling at them to calm down. I got them calmed down and they each got me the wet towel I had asked for, what good helpers, since the paper towel was already bloody. When I got the blood cleaned off it was just a little cut, long story short, I put a steri strip on it to butterfly it. I figured that would be less traumatic for him than taking him in for what they would likely only close with dermabond. It seems to be working. Anyhow, while I am holding pressure, did I mention head wounds bleed ALOT, Jake and Caleb went outside to play with their new Nerf dart guns, thank you uncle Sean. AJ as usual had stripped naked and went into the bathroom to get his pants on so he could go out also. I'm still holding pressure remember. I notice that he is much too quiet and has been in there for a couple of minutes so I sent Jake in to investigate. Good thing. He had seen Ryan's razor, I'm not sure how that transpired. He decided to shave. Jake brought him out bleeding and holding his face. Here is where I had to hold it in and not FREAK OUT!!! Seriously two toddlers bleeding from unrelated causes. WHAT THE FREAKIN' HECK!!! This is where the magic mom hands come into play... still holding pressure on Levi's forehead which had slowed to an ooze finally, I cleaned all the blood off of AJ and thankfully, he had only cut his lip. We had to talk about why Dad shaves and he doesn't. It looks like the steri strip is doing it's job and you can barely see AJ's cut lip now. Does this stuff happen to other people? Other than the late afternoon excitement, it was a good day. Seriously.


Bon said...

Oh Jen I am so sorry, aren't boys fun?? I have had so many days like that, your a good mom and for you staying calm and taking care of their needs you deserve an award I think. Keep up the good work.

Barnes Family said...

See what happens when you try to get stuff done. I had to LOL because I can see your boys doing that (in fact I was watching it play out in my mind).