Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh Soooo Dirty

So I'm upstairs bathing AJ and calling for Levi and Caleb to come upstairs for bath/shower respectively. Levi finally trails behind Caleb and he is covered in dirt from head to toe, and I do mean covered. Caleb swears that Levi dumped the dirt over his head himself and he had nothing to do with it. Now I know that Levi loves the sandbox but hmmm. I made Levi wait to get in the bath until I had AJ out since I didn't want to rewash AJ. I had to wash Levi's hair twice. I had to wash his body twice. I could hardly see his feet through the dirty water which I of course let out for round 2 and rinsed with clean water again from the faucet. Notice the capsized rubber duckie, I'm pretty sure the dirty water did him in, he is blue after all. HOLY COW! It's a good thing tomorrow is Friday, the day I clean the bathrooms. The brown ring left behind on the tub is only slightly more disgusting than the dirt left in the tub when all the water was gone. Levi was of course delighted in his mess and reminded me of Pigpen from the Charlie Brown specials I watched when I was a kid and love to watch with my kids now. I'm glad he had fun, that's all that really matters when it's all said and done. Well that and nobody died. Sometimes that's how I guage how good or bad my day was. As long as nobody died, or came fairly close, it's a good day.

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